Sabtu, 09 Maret 2019

Bolttcoin is here to fill the motivational gap for everyone

BolttCoin is an established Market Leader in Fitness Wearables, AI & Mobile Health with an existing large user base. BolttCoin is an all New Decentralised Digital Health Economy based on Blockchain technology. BolttCoin utilizes blockchain innovation for the diversion’s capacity. Clients can get tokens from the finish of the set medical issues and wager on the information. Also, the proprietors will utilize tokens to pay for exchanges, items and administrations inside a decentralized biological system.

BolttCoin, one of the results of the development of the block chain industry that has experienced excellent achievements and excellent ideas based on a system that allows investors to be more open by symbolic investment. As one of the first block chain platforms, the company is more concerned about the economic weakness many people around the world are experiencing in the mutual assistance concept as an investment that can trade with users on this block chain platform I’d like to help investors registered Registered important points of the platform BolttCoin Bottom line is that most registered investors and potential investors start business on the whole platform.

If friends are interested in joining the Bolttcoin project or you are interested in joining the Bolttcoin project, it is a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in viewing their mission vision during the Bolttcoin project Here's the review:
Two years of development with excellent team lead the market with thousands of users, corporate customers and strong partner ecosystem. Join us, as we are ready for a revolution in the way we interact with each other, with the world's first Digital Medical Currency, a Bolt-Coin.
A decentralized project with profitable value for investors or potential investors is one project that will grow rapidly due to changes in digital assets earlier this year. question. This network definition uses a rather unique theme from other platform platforms around the world with book values ​​and investment processes that have a profile value that exceeds the amount of capital required for asset trading.
BolttCoin is a platform-block that for the first time represents a unique innovative idea in the economic symbol market economy that you can personalize on the digital exchange platform for property.
BolttCoin is one of the most successful outcomes of a blockbuster industry with good performance and a great idea-based system that allows investors to be more open with symbolic investments. As one of the first blockbuster platforms created, the company wants to help investors pay more attention to the economic weakness that many people in the world experience in the concept of mutual support as their head. One can trade users on this blockade platform. Some important points of the BolttCoin platform are that most registered investors and potential investors will start their business on the platform as a whole.
Observing the general terms and conditions of the BoltCoinis platform, the source of revenue will ensure a balanced ecosystem value that brings economic benefits to buyers and sellers. In this case, the investor is an economic concept with an average selling value exceeding the income from the investment, while sales are distributed more for investors who want to generate profits. on this platform.
Ability to connect to the following projects - major efforts in tobacco product trade projects, as well as legislative and security tokens in the paper money industry, due to transactions and implementing a balanced analytic system. in its strategy, and its own ideas are used by many investors. Execution.
BoltenCoin will invest in a decentralized Blockchin platform for investment, BoltCoin earlier this year is a cryptographic company with certain characteristics, and many code names on the market today are occupied by the market. BoltCoin Cooperation Being one of the biggest companies that will be very successful in the future.
Transactions in the world of electronic money never avoid currency fluctuations and the exchange of coins, which, naturally, are felt in cryptography. In addition, the company has no creative idea that the system can withhold investment, of course, this is a disaster that can be fatal with the destruction of the company. Fundraising fund for investors worldwide is the effective philosophy provided by this platform. With the vision and mission of the concept of mutual benefit between the project owner and the cardholder.
With so many markets in the world of electronic money this year, the rivals of many companies that operate or trade require more unique functions and innovations, this can be a point of success. that the cryptographic business community can achieve it. We create a foundation for appreciating the physical activity of BoltCoin - a platform that benefits the users to improve their personal health.
Thanks to two years of development and outstanding team, Boltt has become an industry leader with thousands of users, corporate customers, and strong partnerships. Join us as we revolutionize the way we support the community and stay in touch with the world's first digital health coin: Bolt Coins. We have launched a unique blockbuster platform that lets players get Bolt coins by fulfilling their personal health goals, which we call WalkChain.
The Bolt platform will also host exciting and interactive events with brand-sponsored peer-to-peer games, companies and celebrities to reward participants with attractive prizes and Bolt coins. Bolttcoin owners can not only use it to pay for many products, services and transactions from a decentralized Bolt market, but they will also see Bolebcoin increasing user fees. Increased demand via token and limited inventory.
We find ways to connect communities and businesses based on global health improvements. Cohesion, Gamification & Loyalty are the three basic principles for every brand, business, or business.
There is no single platform that provides the three pillars for business and clients. Bolt considers one of the biggest problems in the field of personal health: lack of motivation to improve personal health. In solving this big problem, Boltt's solution manages to answer some of the big gaps and pain in modern medical ecosystems, such as the lack of participation and loyalty to related parties. Build creates a practical partnership ecosystem with retailers, merchants, businesses, service providers, insurance companies and integrating hamming, blocking and accounting technology. It spreads to increase the level of interaction and increase health-related loyalty.
Boltt using Dual Blockchain BoltCoin technology will be one of the first encryption codes released simultaneously on the Waves platform and the Ethereum platform.
Using cool new technology that includes a web interface, wallet purse and smart contracts on the Ethereum side, Bolt tokens automatically rearrange each other from the block chain to block at will. last user. Both Etherium and Waves have unique functions.
Ethereum's ether business paved the way for market-related challenges and tournaments, among other goals. While Waves makes it easy to create and manage maps and many other add-ons around them. Dual Blockchain provides stability and flexibility, and BolttCoin owners will be able to take advantage of both platforms. BolttBlockExchange works by creating a fixed tag inventory on each block chain and blocking half at a time.
It can be used not for computing power, but for simple steps and achievement of personal health. The main purpose of Bolt coins is to increase interaction and social game with the end user.
Mass appeal and great demand
Health is a concern for all and has an inalienable appeal to the masses for all. There are many potential applications for companies, retailers, insurance, brands and celebrities. Users can use BolttCoins to purchase goods and services in the Boltt ecosystem and on a network of large partners (offline / online). This usage option tends to create great demand for BolttCoins About the Google TranslateUs community About Google Privacy and Terms of Service Send feedback.
For more research on Bolebcoin social media today, please follow some of the important websites below

For detailed information, please visit any of the following links:

Twitter: https: // twitter. com / bolttsports
ANN thread:

Minggu, 29 Juli 2018

The universe of cryptocurrencies is one that has kept growing each passing day, despite a lot of factors that have militated against the use of this form of digital asset in the ordinary dealings and transactions of man's life. Despite widespread plethora of problems and agitations against the use of cryptocurrencies, its growth has gained wide support from people all over the world.
Reports show that, cryptocurrency market capitalization is over 300 billion USD. Why should a venture that has shown so much promise in recent times be pushed against? It is a viable venture . It is expected to be used far and wide and invested in as time goes by to encourage its growth. However, due to a lot of factors (hindrances) the reverse is the case with regards to crypocurrency adoption.
Ecoinomic is one of the many projects or platforms that seeks to bring forth the wide acceptance and use of cryptocurrencies in our world today. It creates the necessary synergy between the use of cryptocurrencies and the use of fiat currencies. This is a welcome development and is a step in the right direction for all investors and other interested parties alike.
The world of cryptocurrencies is one that has fought valiantly many fights for survival since its coming about and has won them. There however exist some problems with the widely accepted use of cryptocurrencies. Some of which include;
There exists a peaked level of fear on all users of the cryptocurrency platform as to whether there would ever come a day when all their financial investments in the world of cryptocurrency would pay off. Having lived in a world where the use of such a currency is not widely accepted , many have always nursed fear of not been able to use such amounts of value as they have stored on the platform.
The use of cryptocurrency has not gained wide support and usage in our world today. This therefore discourages the use of cryptocurrencies as a form of collateral for a loan to be given in fiat currencies. Due to the highly volatile nature of the value of cryptocurrencies, it is not advisable for one to sell it for fiat currencies and then repossess them by purchase again.
The bank system in our time is also one that is very rigid and not so lenient when it comes to matters concerning loans. As a result, when individuals make attempts to obtain loans from banks the time taken before the banks approve the loan is so much that it even discourages the individual seeking loan from going on with the modalities that surround the obtaining of loans from banks.
This evident practices of abject rejection of the use of cryptocurrencies by the financial institutions and bodies have made it very difficult for people to enjoy or employ the use of cryptocurrencies in our contemporary time. It brings forth the question whether there is hope for investors on such platforms?
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Ecoinomic is a project that seeks to fully decentralize the use of cryptocurrency. It brings a lot of new perks to the table for any user of cryptocurrency. In a bid to make man’s life much better, it has evolved new ways by which cryptocurrencies can be fully utilized in our current society and beyond.
Cryptocurrencies having previously been seen or analyzed as a legal tender or measure of value that is not widely accepted in our recent society, it is also a measure of value that cannot in almost every case be considered as appropriate form of collateral in terms of an agreement for a loan.
This old dispensation is about to change however, as Ecoinomic seeks to change this general worldview by bringing forth a platform where such measures of value can be fully utilized to serve as an adequate form of collateral for loans sought for whilst on the platform.
Having created a system that is almost perfect and efficient, it works with two basic parties which are the users of the platform obtaining the loans, who are generally referred to as the borrowers and the the sponsors, likened to financial institutions who are the lenders. The system would provide an adequate amount of loan to all its users from as low as $200 to $10,000.
By doing all of this econoimic removes the necessity of one having to sell off his crypto assets . The platform also eliminates the need for third parties or intermediaries in the course of the use of the services as opposed to financial institutions who play an integral part in money lending in our society.
The platform; Ecoinomic also plays the role of a guarantee in the course of lending procedures predominantly carried out by financial institutions. Ecoinomic also makes provision for the full financial coverage of any loan by a user of the platform.
In the course of the usage of platform as aforementioned, there are two parties the financial institutions such as investment banks, family offices who predominantly provide funds in fiat form to users on the platform and the user or borrower. makes for more liquidity to the universe of the use of cryptocurrencies, so that the platform would provide a steady inflow and outflow of income, most especially to the reserve.
The platform makes provision for a robust system that supports and accepts different types of cryptocurrencies to be used as a collateral which include: CNC, BTC, ETH, XRP, LTC, BCH, EOS, NEO, ETC, ADA, TRX, DASH. It also provides loans in the following currencies: USD, EUR. GBP, JPY, CHF, CNY etc.
The eCoinomic Platform makes provision for a system that pays out already approved loan amounts as fast as humanly possible. The project makes sure that there is a high speed medium of fiat money transactions, so all parties involved in such a transaction get the money in good time.
The level of security and transparency of the eСoinomic project is basically impeccable. It makes use of Smart contract in the course of regulating the procedure of collateral blocking, the return or liquidation of such blocking. The use of smart contracts is to procure the fulfillment of the loan obligations on the eCoinomic platform, this is done solely to protect the investments for the owners of collateralized crypto assets and fiat funds simultaneously.
The eCoinomic platform is based on the Ethereum blockchain. The Smart Contracts are built in such a manner as to make for a rigid and solid system. The main programming language in use is the Python Programming language. Users who are registered on the platform, can on their own initiate credit actions without aid or interference from third parties, they determine the loan amount they are interested in having and the interest rate for such an amount sought for.
The platform also makes adequate provision for the live price monitoring of the cryptocurrency system. This is done because the value of cryptocurrencies is highly volatile and subject to change on a regular basis. The value of such collateral is normally calculated based on the live data from several top exchanges (Bittrex, Poloniex, Binance etc.
Ecoinomic is therefore a platform that should be welcomed with both arms open. It is a platform that has been single-handedly built to tackle all the existing problems that users of cryptocurrencies had previously with regards the use of cryptocurrencies in our contemporary time.
The token available for use on the platform is known as the CNC Token. The price of each CNC Token ranges from 0.06 to 0.12 USD for the ongoing ICO, the earlier you buy in, the better for those interested . As an added advantage on the platform, the eCoinomic wallet supports the use of a wide range of cryptocurrencies on the platform such as ETH, BTC, XRP, BCH, LTC, NEO, XMR, ZEC.
The Token type is ERC20 and it is a utility token with total supply of 2.1 billion. The hard cap value is USD 106,000,000 while the Softcap value is USD 6,000,000. The total amount of tokens available for sale is 2,100,000,000 while the total number of that value available for sale is 1,550,000,000. For the token sales, softcap has been attained already, and in my own opinion, it's a great idea to buy in considering the awesomeness of the project and superb team behind it. The project also got very good expert ratings.
Ecoinomic team comprise of experienced intellectuals who are devoted to ensure the project aim is achieved, backed by great advisors with superb profiles ready to assist in attaining the project aim. Check the preview below for team members and advisors :
Ecoinomic has got remarkable partners in a bid to foster realization of the project vision. Check preview below for partners:
ECoinomic is a platform that has come to break the jinx of the use of cryptocurrencies in our time. It has the collective goal of decentralizing the use of cryptocurrencies in the world and making for a greater level of synergy between the possession of fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies in our immediate environment.
The platform creates a highly lucrative venture that initiates the use of cryptocurrencies as a measure of value and also for use as collateral in times of loan. It brings the worldwide use of cryptocurrencies to our current dispensation and time. The platform is one that would not just encourage the use of cryptocurrencies in our time but it would also encourage the easy acquisition of loans by crypto holders. It is a welcome development and should be encouraged in our time for the benefits it brings to it's users.
Consider checking out the links below to know more about this mind-blowing project. Join the telegram community and follow on different social media.
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Bitcointalk ANN:
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Reddit :;u=1068536

Sabtu, 28 Juli 2018

    Ubcoin Marketplace - 동유럽에서 선도적 인 모바일 결제 앱 인 Ubank를 향한 다음 단계의 도약. 이제 Ethereum 블록 체인과 교환 거래되는 UBC 암호 화 및 암호 해독을위한 상품 구매를위한 피어 투 피어 스마트 계약.

    Ubcoin Marketplace는 cryptocurrency에 대한 실제 상품을 사고 파는 글로벌 모바일 마켓 플레이스입니다. 
    cryptocurrency 보유자의 수는 2020 년까지 현재 2200 만에서 20000000000로 거의 10 배 증가 할 것으로 예상됩니다. cryptocurrency의 소유자가되는 가장 간단한 방법은 암호를위한 상품을 판매하는 것입니다. 이러한 접근 방식은 향후 대량 채택을 촉진 할 것입니다. 
    cryptocurrency 시장의 자본화는 약 4,000 억 달러입니다. 암호를 위해 실제 물건을 사면 그 부를 보낼 큰 요구가 있습니다. 
    2020 년까지 세계 스마트 폰 보급률이 세계 인구의 37 %에 이르면 모바일 상거래는 곧 웹 상거래를 능가하게 될 것이지만 모든 온라인 구매 및 판매 활동의 거의 절반이 마켓에서 발생합니다.

암호화 통화 대량 채택
    우리는 결제 수단이자 투자 수단 인 디지털 자산의 대량 채택을 장려합니다. 
피어 - 투 - 피어 상호 작용
    최대한 많은 중개자를 잘라냅니다. 이 플랫폼은 독립 당사자 간의 스마트 계약 체결을 용이하게합니다. 
법률 시장
    우리는 이유, 도덕성, 안전 및 정당한주의를 침해 할 가능성이 있음을 사전에 알리기 위해 AI 기술을 개발 중입니다.
    블록 체인은 분산 된 초기화, 결제 및 트랜잭션 이행을 허용합니다. 현명한 계약 하에서 성과금 지급은 즉시 이루어집니다.
완벽한 인터페이스
    당사의 인터페이스 디자인은 세계 곳곳에서 상품 구매 및 판매의 조화와 원활한 경험을 제공합니다.
공개 커뮤니티
    특정 지역의 요구에 맞는 최적의 플랫폼을 개발하기 위해 API를 열려고 노력합니다. 또한 제 3 자 제공 업체 (예 : 배달 회사, 공증인)의 참여를 계획합니다.

    Ubcoin Marketplace는 녹색 필드 프로젝트가 아니라 Ubank 모바일 앱의 확장입니다. 
• 2009 년 이후 기존 회사 
• Ubank의 현재 제품인 Ubank는 전 세계적으로 1,600 만 건이 넘습니다. 
• 우리는 50 명 이상의 개발자, 최고 경영진 및 Advisor talent 
• Ubcoin은 기존 제품의 가치 제안을 향상시키고 재발견 할 것입니다. 
• 삼성과 Fly 는 Flagship Galaxy 9를 포함한 CIS에서 판매되는 모든 스마트 폰에 기존 제품을 사전 설치합니다 

    . 토큰 판매는 Ethereum 블록 체인 기반 스마트 개발을 촉진하기 위해 자금 조달을 모색합니다 AI 기반 스크리닝 및 KYC 기술 계약 및 글로벌 확장을위한 자금 지원 제조업체의 사전 설치를 통한 Ubank 앱의 고유 한 배포 모델은 새로운 지역으로 확장 될 것입니다.    

    cryptocurrencies의 대량 채택은 불가피하고 절박하다. 원인과 신용은 우리의 영감의 근원과 가장 깊은 존경의 대상 인 전보 (電報)를 포함하여 많은 가파른 기업가와 비전가에게 빚지고 있습니다. 대중적 입양의 순간은 나중에보다는 오히려 빠를 것이다. 소비자는 간단하고 빠르고 안전한 디지털 통화 획득 수단이 필요합니다. 
    cryptocurrencies의 자본화는 약 4,000 억 달러를 흐르게합니다. 그러나 전 세계의 정부, 은행 및 국제 지불 시스템은 법적인 준수 시민들이 디지털 자산을 사용하여 실제 물품을 사고 팔 수 있도록 암호 거래를 규제하는 명확한 규칙을 수립하는 데 앞장서 왔습니다. 4 천억 달러의 상당 부분이 지출에 익숙합니다. 물리적 자산으로의 전환입니다.

    우리 회사의 목표는 전 세계의 소비자들이 암호화에 투자하고 암호 해독을위한 상품을 자유롭고 안전하게 구매하고 판매 할 수있는 Ubcoin 디지털 마켓 플레이스를 만들어 암호화 투자의 구매력을 즐기는 것입니다. 

비전 :

1. 많은 사람들이 cryptocurrency에 대한 지분을 얻는 간단하고 안전한 방법을 원하지만 어떻게해야할지 모릅니다. 그들은 투기꾼이 아닌 광부가 아니며 cryptocurrency 투자에 부가 가치가있는 개인입니다. cryptocurrency 소유자의 수는 2020 년까지 현재 22 백만에서 2 억으로 증가 할 것으로 예상됩니다.
2.하지만이 같은 사람들은 Ebay, Amazon, WeChat, Etsy, Taobao 등에서 구매 및 판매하는 것이 매우 편합니다. 2016 년에 시장은 2016 년 세계에서 지출 된 2 조
4400억 달러 중 44 %를 차지했습니다.3. Cryptocurrency 지갑은 주로 모바일 장치에 집중되어 있으며 지갑의 65 % 이상이 모바일입니다. 글로벌 스마트 폰 보급률은 2020 년까지 37 %에이를 것으로 예상됩니다.
4. 전세계 디지털 바이어 인구는 2020 년까지 20 억 명을 넘어 설 것입니다. 

상품에 대한 암호화의 잠재력 모바일 마켓 플레이스

     이 네 개의 중요한 힘은 사람들이 할 수있는 글로벌 모바일 시장에서 결합 : 
상품을 판매하여 • 쉽게 암호 화폐의 소유자가 될 
• 쉽게 실제 제품을 구입하여 자신의 암호 화폐 재산을 보내고 

    , 수 에테 리움의 blockchain과 exchangetraded UBC의 암호 화폐에 의해 구동 글로벌 Ubcoin 마켓 플레이스, 상품 구매 및 판매를위한 피어 - 투 - 피어 스마트 계약에 대한 이러한 노력은 다음과 같습니다. 
• 판매자는 자신의 제품에 대한 암호 해독을받는 데 관심이 있습니다. 결제 수단 + 투자 수단 = 디지털 통화의 대량 채택; 
• 구매자는 cryptocurrency 투자 이익과 구매력을 실현하면서도 암호화와 화폐 간 전환의 고통과 위험을 감수하고 있습니다.
• 스마트 계약은 거래가 완벽하고 안전하며 시행 가능하고 투명하며 분산되어 있음을 보장합니다.  

    현명한 계약 기술을 통해 Ubcoin Marketplace는 거래의 안전성, 실행 가능성, 난독성 및 검증 능력을 보장하고 피에르토 - 피어 거래를 성공적으로 촉진 할 수 있습니다. 

    B2C 분야에서 디지털 통화 수락에 관한 규정이 발전함에 따라 시장은 비즈니스 판매자와 구매자를 명단에 추가 할 것입니다. 똑똑한 계약은 많은 기존 중개인, 가치 사슬의 거머리를 잊어 버릴 것입니다. 배달 경제는 구매자와 판매자 모두에게 더 매력적인 가격을 허용하는 직접 제조업체 - 소비자 거래의 형태로 폭발적인 성장을 촉진합니다. Make-toorder 제조는 훨씬 더 관련성 높은 비즈니스 모델이됩니다.

    일부 거래는 향후 제 3 자 제공 업체 (예 : 배달 회사, 특사, 공증인)와 관련된 특정 유형의 거래에 대한 현명한 계약 이행을 위해 추가 KYC / AML 절차가 필요할 수 있습니다. Ubcoin 플랫폼은 이러한 당사자들의 원활한 참여를 계획합니다. 
    우리는 Ubcoin 시장에서 판매되는 상품과 서비스의 정당성 보장에 특별한주의를 기울입니다. 우리는 이성, 도덕성, 안전 및 정당한주의를 침해 할 가능성이있을 경우 판매자의 사전 게시를 돕기위한 고급 AI 기술을 개발 중입니다.  

시장 기회 분석
디지털 쇼핑은 세계에서 널리 보급되고 있습니다. 
전세계 디지털 바이어의 수는 2020 년까지 20 억 명을 넘어 설 것으로 예상됩니다.

ICO는 4 월 2 일에서 5 월 31 일까지 개최됩니다.
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